Photography: An Art

 Hello to all my dear followers. Hope your day’s been fine. It’s my kind request to everyone to stay safe and healthy. I do believe my other posts have been worth reading. I wish this one to also, be a part of that list.

Photography: An Art. Don’t you think this is absolutely true? 

How to Become a Successful Freelance Photographer

Taking photos can be taken for leisure or as a profession. Whatever may be, it ultimately makes any person happy. 

Photos contain a lot of emotions. At times there could be captivating stories within them. I have a special connection to every picture in my phone’s gallery. 

Here are 3 such ones.

My friends and family have always loved my drawings or any kind of painting I try. But for the first time, I fell in love with one of my own. 

This was one of the many drawings I did in the lockdown. This particular style of drawing (using oil pastels) was a trend I never tried before. With no ideas regarding how this would turn out, I started it and was quite pleased with the result. This drawing, of the tree, standing strong amidst the change in seasons, taught me a lot. This piece de resistance of all my drawings really did me some good.

This picture is one of the most beautiful of all the flower portraits on my device. 
Gardening or growing plants is, as a matter of fact, 
a common thing that most of the population started as a hobby. My family too belongs to this group. We have been growing a bunch of plants and flowers that are beautiful and have healthy properties. White roses, though don’t have a smell, do have a fabulous appearance. We initially started to grow these for spiritual purposes, but later on, ended up taking a lot of photos of them. Just look at this beauty! I recommend each one of you reading, to grow plants as well, flowers in particular🥰

This one too is no exception. 
God’s creations look marvelous at any time of the day. This picture surprisingly has a funny story to it. 
In the evening, my family and I wanted to experience fresh air. So we came to our open and spacious terrace. My parents were discussing something regarding COVID and I secretly took my dad’s phone to watch videos. As I was curiously exploring this device, I
accidentally opened the camera. But that intrigued me more. Eventually, I looked at the different options to see “nightscape mode”. There was something about this that I wanted to try. 
So I just went to that mode and faced the camera to a pair of coconut trees. 
That particular night, the moon was exactly between these two trees. Nevertheless, I just clicked, and voila! the above picture came into existence. I was so surprised I could take really professional photos like that.
After that, I tried doing more, but sadly the others couldn’t turn out like the first. But every time I
look at this pic, I laugh and at the same time, feel proud of myself for this little accomplishment.
Whoa! I guess that’s a lot of description done already. Talking about photographs would take me hours. I think it's a lot. So would like to end here. 
As always, do support me and guide me through that comment box below. 
Meet you all soon with another post. 


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